Wednesday, December 31, 2008



By: William Chilton

“Dead Stroke” is a pool term referring to a phenomenon which very good players experience on a rare basis. It can be compared to a trance like state where your concentration level is at it’s very highest, you are focused on nothing but your game and everything else is zoned out. Everything that you do seems to work perfectly and mistakes seem to be nonexistent. Dead stroke is an extremely euphoric feeling that, once experienced, you will constantly strive to recapture, however, it comes and goes at it’s own whim. You find yourself in a zone where you have perfect control of the game. You are like a well oiled machine that is run on a flawless computer program. You see the game from a different perspective where everything is extremely clear. While there you can make no mistakes and you stand in awe wondering why the game ever seems difficult at all.

This book is dedicated to the search for the key to unlock the mystery, to those who have been there and to those who will do whatever it takes to stay there.

The Gift

Life is funny. I’m a firm believer that some people are born to do certain things, while others are either just average or are lazy underachievers who will never make anything out of themselves.

I’ve known many people in all walks of life who seem to come into this world with certain abilities that others of us seem to work at for years and are never able to achieve. It makes you wonder if these talents were developed in a previous life or if god just reaches down and points a finger and “BANG!”, there’s your next Einstein’ Bethoven or maybe even Tiger Woods.

However it happens, it does happen. You hear stories about people like this blind, retarded guy who can’t walk, talk or even communicate. His adoptive mother plays music in the house every day of his life, and when she later buys an old piano, she is awakened in the middle of the night thinking that she has left the radio on playing her favorite classical music.

This kid, who had to drag himself across the floor and pull himself up to the keyboard, was able to play classical music on the piano immediately despite his mental and physical handicaps, not to mention that he had no training whatsoever and had never even seen a piano.

This is a true story and is only one of many. How was this kid able to do this? Where does this come from? Why him, when there are so many thousands of others who can’t do anything extraordinary?

I make this comparison because of the similarities between this story and the subject that we will be talking about. After all, this book is about pool players and what better subject to discuss when you are talking about people with an abstract gift or ability.

Pool players are an unusual group in that the ability to play the game and to play it well depends on a variety of different abilities. First of all, you have to have great hand-eye coordination. After all, this is a very precise game. There is very little if any margin for error, especially at the higher levels of the game.

Second, you have to have nerves of steel and an extremely high concentration level. This game requires these traits because of the high level of competition. In order to win, you have to beat other great players and believe me, they are out there. There is no room for mediocrity. You have to be better than everyone else.

Third, you have to be in good physical condition. You may laugh at this and say, “Yea, I see all of these great athletes hanging out in the pool halls all night!” Well, you are right. The “average” pool player is usually a fat slob or maybe he drinks too much, but we aren’t talking about “average” here, are we? In order to compete at the top levels of this game, you have to be able to outlast the other guy and this may require you to stay up for hours. After all, a great pool player may not be that far separated from another great pool player in ability. Sometimes you have to trade off with him until you wear him down physically or mentally.

Fourth, you have to be mentally sharp. I would venture to say that this game is probably about 20 percent physical and 80 percent psychological. I’ve seen really good players lose to players with far lesser skills simply because they were “Psyched Out”.

There are guys like Tommy Kennedy out there who disarm you because they are so damned nice. You let your guard down and meanwhile, they just shoot your lights out.

On the other side of the coin, my favorite master of the psyche job is Earl Strickland. This guy has the reputation for being a real hot head. Earl is reputed to have this extremely volatile temper. He keeps everyone at bay simply because they are afraid of upsetting the apple cart. Some players have tried to upset him thinking that a temper flare up would get him out of his game. They think that it will affect his ability to play well. Hell, it seems to affect all of the rest or us that way. With Earl, it’s just the opposite. Earl seems to get upset right before he falls into dead stroke and leaves you sitting on the sidelines wondering what happened.

I watched Earl get in an argument right before a match in Charlotte North Carolina. He immediately went to the table, broke and ran eight racks on a four-and-a-half by nine Gandy with tight pockets, played a brilliant safety and ran the next three racks in a race to eleven games. With four balls left on the table in the eleventh game, Kim Davenport threw a towel onto the table in mock surrender.

Maybe one in a hundred people have the physical dexterity and ability to even make a ball. This one percent of all people might be able to play the game well enough to enjoy a friendly game every once in a while.

Only one out of a hundred of these will ever become competitive enough to play in a league or an occasional tournament.

Only one in a hundred of these league and occasional tournament players will ever win a small bar room tournament with any reasonable amount of consistency.

Of all of these people who might win an occasional bar room tournament, maybe one in a hundred of these will ever try to make it on the road playing pool.

Of all of these players who will ever try to make it on the road, maybe one in a hundred of them will ever make it to the professional tour.

Of all of the players who make it to the Pro tour, only maybe one in a hundred will ever see any reasonable amount of success.

A kid would have a much better chance picking up a bat and a glove and making it to the Major Leagues. After all, each and every one of the hundreds of players in Major League Baseball make a good living.

Only maybe the top twenty pool players in the world make a good living at it. At least on the books. If you are looking for the proverbial “House with the white picket fence”, you might want to think about doing something else with your life.

So, why do people do it? Because they love the game, they love the action, they love the rush. If this is your gift, you are drawn to it unmercifully. You are powerless against it and there is nothing that you can do about it. It’s like a drug addict stealing money out of his mother’s purse just so that he can go out and score his next fix.

There is an indescribable power that comes with an ability to do something better that everyone else. When you are in dead stroke, it’s like you are a well oiled machine that is run by a flawless computer program. You know that there is no way that you can make a mistake. An unbelievably high percentage of people never feel this way about anything. They are content to wander through life in mediocrity having never felt the rush of “being in dead stroke”.

The Search For The Dead Stroke

Have you ever known someone who was good at everything that they do No matter what they were doing. They could be playing baseball, basketball, tennis or even chess. I heard that all of my life. Especially when I was a kid. No matter what I did, I always put every ounce of effort into it and usually was able to beat all of my friends and anyone else that came around.

I could have done any one of a number of things if I had had the right guidance. The only real roll models that I ever had, at least the ones that I respected at such a young age, were the guys that I hung around at the pool halls.

The only thing that I really wanted to do was play pool back then. God, I was sick for that game! I would get up in the morning and spend most of the day thinking about getting to the pool hall. I had found something that I was really good at and people respected me around there.

I would spend hours and hours honing my skills even if I had to practice by myself. I never had a problem with playing alone, however, I would rather be matched up with someone. I wasn’t afraid of anyone, even at an early age. I would seek out the better players around town and try to get them in action. Whatever I could afford. If it was someone that I couldn’t beat, I would either try to get a spot to make the game more even or I would get them to play as cheap as possible in order to minimize the loss. All the while, I would play as hard as I could and try to learn something from each of them in order to improve my game.

I had interests other than pool. I played baseball from the age of 11 and was competitive through high school. I was better than most of the other kids, hell I wouldn’t have it any other way.

I boxed and studied Martial Arts for four years. Let’s just say that I was well respected. I always had a bit of a temper so people learned to avoid confrontations with me. I never liked street fighting much but I wasn’t afraid of it by any means.
I always found that, win or lose, you ended up hurting the next day and I liked my hands too much. Hell, sore hands affected you pool game. We couldn’t have that.

I went out for football spring training every year during High School just for the conditioning experience. I was almost 6 feet tall and only weighed around 160 pounds in the tenth grade. I could bench press around 240, which was right up there with the bug guys at the time. I was pretty strong for my size. I once beat the meanest guy on the football team in an arm wrestling match during study hall. They talked about that one for a while.

I worked two different jobs after school and on weekends while I was in High School.
I did it for spending money and to buy an old car. If I was going to have one, I had to buy it myself. I had a 1963 Ford Falcon. It wasn’t as nice as most of the other kids cars, but it got me around town.

Slim and Clean Billiards

There are turning points in everyone’s lives. Turning points are events that change the way that you act or the direction that your life will take. One of mine was wandering into a pool hall at 12 years old and not being asked to leave.

I was just a 12 year old kid without any direction and some time on my hands. There was an old run down movie theater over on the east side of town. Not the best neighborhood to be hanging out in, but just the type of place that a curious kid in the late 60s who’s feeling his oats wants to be on the week end.

Lots of kids hung out around the movie theater but only a few were allowed to go around the pool hall. This place was somewhat unusual in that there was a game room up front with 6 bar tables in it and a beer bar in the back.

The owner was a rough looking guy that you knew without talking to him that you just didn’t want to mess with him. He was a stocky guy with a patch over one missing eye and a rough, weathered face. This guy was liable to beat anyone in the state on a bar table. He was a great gambler, one of those people who seemed to get better as the bet went higher. He wasn’t flashy and graceful like so many other good players, but he would shoot your liver in for a hundred dollar bill.

Bobby was about five foot ten, about 220 pounds and had a patch over his left eye. He didn’t have a lot of friends but a lot of people knew him and came around. He loved to gamble and promoted it constantly. He loved the action whether he was in the middle of it or just had a piece of it. This place usually never closed, especially on the weekends.

From the beginning, I had a knack for the game. I had a good feel for it and before long, I could make balls from anywhere. The first time that I ran a hand full of balls and watched the dejection on my opponents face as I shot the eight in, I was hooked. I knew right then that this was something that I wasn’t going to be able to shake.

Bobby liked me early on. He would stand up front watching some times and I would catch him out of the corner of my eye looking on with a smile and shaking his head.

Before long, he would call me to the side and match me up with some older kids back in the corner for one and two dollar games. He would usually back me for half just to be in the action.

By the time I was 15, I couldn’t get any action form any of the kids in town, so Bobby would sneak me into the back to gamble with the adults.

My reputation grew rapidly and before long, no one in town would gamble with me. I was spotting people or waiting around for people to come in that we didn’t know.

My First Real Gambling Experience

Jack Jones was a cousin of mine who was about 10 years older than me and had been “around the block a time or two”. Jack had a pool table and could play a little. He loved action. It didn’t matter if it was a card game, a dice game or just pitching pennies against the wall.

The first time we played, I lit him up like a Christmas tree. I must have only been about 14 at the time. He decided right then that he was going to take me on the road to play someone. Up until then, I had never gambled with anyone except under the watchful eye of old man Bobby.

We left one Friday evening and went to this little backwoods town in Mississippi that no one ever heard of until a Superbowl Champion Quarterback came out of it in the mid nineties. This place had a reputation for hardcore, backwards assed country bars and gambling. One of the only things that I knew about it was that there was a family of brothers named Ladner who all played great pool.

We pulled up in front of this place which is long since gone and whose name I can’t remember. After stopping at the front door because I wasn’t old enough to get in and Jack giving the door man a few dollars and telling him that we were only there to play pool, we were escorted in through the side door.

I was as nervous as a whore in church. I had never been in a place like that and I didn’t know what to say or how to act until I picked up my pool cue. Then everything left but the butterflies. I always had the butterflies when I was getting ready to play. A combination of nerves and excitement!! What a Rush!! That is why people become sick for gambling. The Rush. There’s nothing like it in the world especially when your playing pool. It’s not like playing cards or slot machines. With pool, everything depends on skill. There is very little luck involved. You control your own destiny. You hold it in your hands. You have the power to win or loose simply by skill and the power of you heart and will to win.

Back to the game. We were led over to this table in a room by itself and asked what we wanted to play. After some discussion, which I didn’t take part in, it was decided that I would play one of the guys who worked there some nine ball for ten dollars a game. I had never been in that position before and started out cold. I lost three or four games before I caught a gear. About an hour or two later, they brought in someone else from the bar. When we were done with him, they called someone on the phone. Later they called for someone else.

It was all kind of a blur to me, because I was in a zone. I was in my element! Right where I wanted to be. About 18 hours later and far into the next day, we left with several pockets full of money and having beaten everyone that they could call. What a rush for a kid my age! That was the real beginning of a long relationship with the rush.

Home Again

Back home, I started spending more and more time at the

pool hall. Bobby kind of took me under his wing and would feed me and let me sleep on his couch whenever I needed to, not to mention loan me money to play on when I was broke.

Anytime that someone would come to town to play, he would call me. More often that not, we would win. Sometimes we would go out of town to a tournament or just to find someone to gamble with. Since New Orleans was just 50 miles away, that was usually the destination.

There were quite a few places in New Orleans that were well known to pool players. The “Sports Palace” was known all over the country for it’s heavy pool action. There was no telling who you might run into at the Sports Palace. Back then, the top pool players weren’t on television and in magazines like they are today. You knew some of their names, but you wouldn’t have known them if they walked right up to you.

When I first started making the trip to New Orleans, I didn’t play a lot in the Sports Palace. I was content to just sit there and watch most of the time.
These guys would play 50 and 100 dollar One Pocket all of the time. It wasn’t unusual to find a heavy money game going on at any time of the day or night.

One Pocket was the game of choice in the big rooms in New Orleans. One pocket is the ultimate hustlers game because you have the ability to hide your real speed when playing it. You can be the best player in the world and you might never have to let your stroke out while playing One Pocket. There are so many tricks and moves in the game that even a skilled One Pocket player may not realize that he is outclassed for hours on end. One pocket has been compared to playing Chess. It’s a much more strategic and defensive game than Nine Ball, Eight Ball or Straight Pool.

As I got older, I had the opportunity to play a lot of really good players in the New Orleans area. I beat some of them and some of them beat me.

One thing that I learned about road players is that they either have a pocket full of money and they don’t mind losing it if you have the skill that it takes to relieve them of it, or they are dead broke. This even includes the top players of today. I once saw a top player that I had recently seen in the finals of a major tournament on ESPN drunk and begging for money to eat on in Atlanta Georgia. I watched this same guy have to be carried into Rob’s Roost in Charlotte North Carolina a few months later because he was too drunk to walk. 30 minutes later he beat a top ten pro in a quarter finals match. I watched a former Player of the Year loose every dime that he had outside of a bar room in Charlotte North Carolina and break his hand punching a post in the front of the place at 2 o-clock in the morning. He had to be taken to the hospital. I once saw a top Woman Pro Player in a pool room in Slidell Louisiana stoned practically out of her mind and sporting fresh track marks on her forearms. She was begging for a game. It just goes to show you that success in any one field does not guarantee success in life.

A high percentage of real pool players who like to gamble will gamble on anything. That’s one of the reasons that these guys stay broke a lot of the time. They can’t resist a good card game or throwing money away at a casino.

The Road

Playing on the road is something that few players ever get the opportunity to experience. Everyone talks about it, everyone wants to do it, but until you’ve experienced it you are just guessing.

There are pros and cons in any walk of life and this one is no exception. For the most part, it’s a miserable life. You don’t know where you are going to sleep from one night to the next. You eat what you can when you can. You drink too much and your social life sucks. As a matter of fact, the only real benefit that I can come up with is that it’s good for your game. There’s nothing like being 500 miles from home playing for fifty bucks when you only have twenty. You don’t know how well you can play until your next meal is hanging off of the end of your cue.

Most players do it for the rush. Yea, there’s that word again. That’s why people gamble in the first place. That’s why you see all of those old ladies lined up at the unending rows of slot machines at each and every casino in America. That’s why crack heads will steal out of their mother’s purse just to get their next fix. It’s an addiction that some people handle better than others. Some are helpless to control it. They live for their next rush!

I used to get butterflies when I pulled up to a pool room where no one knew me. The anticipation that I might get into some action would send chills up and down my spine.

I always played better on the road. I think that most road players do. It’s the fact that you are away from home and no one knows you, therefore no one has any expectations as to how badly or how well you really play.

I once played this guy named Tyler in north Alabama. I didn’t miss a ball for two hours playing nine ball for twenty a rack. I won close to 500 without this guy even getting a good turn at the table. Afterward, while taking his cue apart, he says, “I can’t fade a machine.”

Later I found out that this guy is one of the best players in the state. I probably shouldn’t have beaten him. At least not as badly as I did. If I had known who he was, I probably wouldn’t have played as well.

Bobby Jones
The Bar Owner, Not the Golfer

I took a job for a while in Houma Louisiana back in the late 1970s. Houma was a great town back then. An oil town that was thriving due to the high rate of oil production in the Gulf Of Mexico and the demand that the rest of the country put on the Oil Industry.

There are two things that are very predictable about oil field hands. They love to drink and they love to gamble. These guys worked hard and they played equally as hard. Most of them worked offshore on oil producing platforms or drilling rigs. This way of life can only be compared to being in prison. The only difference was that these guys were paid well for their isolation. They would be stuck out there for weeks at a time with no alcohol of female companionship, so it’s no wonder that when they came in, there was no holding them back.

Houma was a mid sized town in the 70s with more bar rooms than any other businesses. There was literally a bar room on every corner and some in between.

Pool action was crazy back then. For every person who actually lived in Houma, there were three or four who worked out of the area and lived somewhere else. For a town of approximately 50,000 people, there might be over 100,000 transients who came through the area every month. A lot of the bars around town never closed. You could find ten and twenty dollar action every night of the week if you wanted to get out and look for it. There were Ten dollar entry fee tournaments with a calcutta every night of the week at different locations around town. There were places where you could go in the middle of the night and hang around the pool tables where people would beg you to play.

I moved into this middle of the road apartment complex in the middle of town. It wasn’t anything to write home about and I’d lived in worse places. I hadn’t been there long when I met Bobby Jones. Bobby was an old retired bar owner who lived in the apartment complex for the convenience. Bobby also owned a very large home in Thibodeaux, a smaller town 20 miles north of Houma. Despite being in his eighties, Bobby had a lot of energy and loved to gamble.

We became fast friends when Bobby found out that I was a player. We went a lot of places and made a lot of money together. Bobby wasn’t short on money and wasn’t short on guts. He would bet anything if he thought that he had the best of it.

Back in the late 70s there were no pool tournaments on television or instructional tapes for kids to study. In order to become a good player you had to learn by trial and error or simply by going out and matching up with better and better players. This also meant that the only way to see a top pro was to accidentally run into one on the road. If you did meet a pro, you probably wouldn’t know it until it was too late.

Bobby bragged to me over and over about how he knew several of the pros and how he had been all over the country visiting some of the pro tournament stops. He said that he had staked some of those guys in high stakes matches and that one day he would call me to come down and play one of them without telling me who he was. I didn’t know whether to believe him or not, and it really didn’t matter since I was always playing on his money anyway.

Inevitably, the night came when he called me to play a match with some gut who I didn’t know. I walked into the place to see this tall guy about thirty years old hitting balls on the corner table.

Bobby pointed him out to me so I went over and asked him to play some nine ball.

We started out at twenty a game and I won the flip to break first. I broke and ran five racks without the guy even getting to the table. He sat there as calmly as could be and never said a word.

I finally got out of line on the sixth rack with only the seven and the nine left on the table. I left the cue ball in the jaws of the corner pocket with the nine in the middle of the same end rail. The seven was frozen to the side rail about six inches from the opposite corner pocket leaving him a long straight in shot with a length of the table draw in order to get on the nine. This was compounded by the fact that he was jacked up in the jaws of the corner pocket in order to attempt the shot. Bear in mind that he hadn’t even hit a ball in the last six racks.

He walked to the table and calmly jacked up and made two short, deliberate strokes at the cue ball and fired the seven in the hole with authority. The cue ball drew all the way back to the end rail with the perfect speed to put him straight in on the nine ball.

Four racks later I finally got to the table again only to find myself frozen behind another ball with an impossible shot at hitting the object ball. By then I figured out that I had been had. I was in trouble and I had figured out that he had brought in one of his ringers. I managed a couple of other trips to the table before I was down about a hundred forty.

Bobby didn’t let the torture go any further. After all it was his money. He introduced me to Bobby Williams who had won the United States Trick Shot Championship and had recently finished second to Steve Mizerak on the last Pro Tournament Stop.

Bobby hung around for a few days and I took him around to all of the good spots in New Orleans. We made some money and I gained some valuable knowledge and experience.

Incidentally, I bumped into Bobby Williams again a few years later at the 1985 Charlotte North Carolina Open where he finished third behind the eventual winner Efren Reyes.


Rob’s Roost was an out of the way bar room in Charlotte North Carolina right up the road from the Charlotte Motor Speedway. Each year they hosted a tournament that drew most of the top players in the country.

Charlotte had a hometown feel for a mid-sized city. People were friendly and trusting in a country sort of way, totally unlike the New Orleans atmosphere that I was used to.

I spent some time around Charlotte in the early 80s because my brother lived and worked there. It was an easy destination for me because I always had a place to stay while in town.

My first trip to Robs Roost was memorable in that I got a chance to watch a “Future number one player in the world” run through the field like they were a bunch of school kids. Everyone looked at this guy in total amazement as he would run out rack after rack doing some of the most amazing things that I have ever seen, all the while smiling uncaringly with his mouth full of missing teeth.

The thin dark haired philipino couldn’t speak English at the time and rarely even mumbled a word as he would routinely cut balls in with relative ease that other players would’nt even attempt, then promptly run the rest of the rack out.

He strolled around the table with supreme confidence and a slight air if arrogance playing with a cue that could have been picked up at the local K-Mart for about thirty bucks.

Top players like Keith McCreaty shook their heads in amazement saying, “Who is this guy?” while he ran through them fearlessly as if they were no threat to him at all.

Efren Reyes has been known as the undisputed number one player in the world for the past few years and deservedly so. He strikes fear in even the best money players in the world.

The story goes that he came to the states in the early eighties with very little money and virtually no ability to communicate. He was taken in by a wealthy stake horse who gained his confidence with his bank roll along with his ability and willingness to help him with the language barrier.

They ran together for about a year during which time they beat some of the best players in the country out of hundreds of thousands of dollars, after which he gave Efren a few hundred dollars and turned him loose.

It was told in all of the pool circles that they matched up with Grady Mathiews, who was the number one “One Pocket” player in the country at the time. Having very little knowledge of the game of One Pocket, Efren was given the very sizeable spot of nine to six.

Efren, who grew up in Manilla, in the Phillipenes, had played fifteen ball rotation almost exclusively for his entire life. He wasn’t familiar with One Pocket, but had little trouble gaining control of the game as well as gaining control of Grady Matthiews. It was said that after quite a few hours of play, Efren was spotting Grady nine to six and walked away with quite a sizeable amount of cash.

Needless to say, Efren Reyes is probably the most feared player in the world today. The few chances that I have had to watch him in person have been most impressive, to say the least.


Straight pool is a fascinating game. If you don’t believe it, then you obviously haven’t seen it played at the top levels. Most of the top players in the world still play the game, however it doesn’t have the popularity that it once had. It has lost ground to nine ball and other faster, more exciting games that promoters of the game can more easily adapt to television.

Straight pool is the purest of all of the cue games. All of the old time great players lived by the game. The great championships of the early part of the twentieth century were all straight pool tournaments played on five by ten foot tables which are all but non-existent in today’s fast paced pool world.

The game was never really popular in the extreme southern United States that I grew up in. There have been several theories as to why the game never caught on, and probably the most likely is the moisture. My area of the country is cursed with ninety to one hundred percent humidity for most of the year round. The felt of the table holds moisture and caused the balls to roll slowly and affects the way that the balls react to each other. They just don’t break apart nearly as well in heavy humidity and when there is lots of moisture in the air.

The further north that you go, the drier the climate and therefore the better the balls react. The roll of the table is much more predictable when it is completely dry. Incidentally, the further north that you travel, the more popular the game of Straight Pool is.

While in northern Alabama, I became aquainted with a elderly gentleman who owned a large pool room, was a part time studio musician in Nashville which was only a couple of hours away as well as hosted a local television program based on country musicians.

Johnny was a phenominal player who had a great love for Straight Pool. He had a beautiful four and a half by nine foot Gold Crown that was dedicated to only Straight Pool. He wouldn’t allow anyone to play anything else on that table. Only serious Straight Pool matches ever took place there.

Every year Johnny would go to Virginia to play in the U.S. Open Straight Pool Championship. He always did very well, even at his advanced age and was even once ranked among the best players in the country.

It was not unusual for top players to stop in town just to match up and play straight pool with Johnny. I once watched Steve Mizerak play Johnny a game to one hundred fifty points for Five Hundred dollars. Johnny beat him One Fifty to minus one with a hundred twenty ball run.

He was always willing to play with a serious player but you had to bet something.
He would play thirty and forty dollar straight pool with very good players and giving them fifty points on the wire. They would seem utterly embarrassed to have seventy five-year old man beat their brains out, but they would always come back for the cheap lessons.

Johnny Tona was a real class act and a credit to the game. He was one of the few real players who would beat you to death and take your money all the while being a perfect gentleman. He never had anything bad to say about anyone, was never critical of anyone unless they were there to hear it and was always ready to be friends with anyone with whom he had something in common. Johnny would probably be close to ninety if he is still living. He has my respect, one way or the other.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Friends, What Friends?

Isn’t it funny how life treats you? Sometimes you go on for years where you seem to be moving right along through life without so much as a blip on the screen. You seem to have great friends, a dedicated family and the respect of your peers and coworkers only to wake up one morning and realize that it was all just a dream.

As with any walk of life, you go through the required hills and valleys. Statistics show that everyone goes through a “slump” once in a while, whether it is in your home environment, the work arena, a sport or hobby that you participate in or any combination of the above. The severity of the slump can vary considerably from one person to another. Some people seem to never have any problems and everything that they do seems to always fall into place, while others invariably have to struggle through every event in their life. The undeniable fact is that even the most fortunate people struggle with problems in their lives.

Everyone has their own way of dealing with hardships in their lives, whether it be with dogged determination to win out over the troublesome problems believing that whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, or taking a more spiritualistic approach by saying that God puts us in these predicaments in order to teach us a lesson or to help us improve on some character flaw that we need help with.

I tend to fit somewhere in the middle of these beliefs. I feel that karma has something to do with these situations. You know, all of the bad things that you have done always come back to haunt you. The more that you mistreat others, the better chance that you will have to deal with some character building challenge later in this life or the next.

All things being equal, you occasionally find yourself in a situation where you feel that you have always treated others with the same respect that you would like to be treated with and still, for some unexplained reason, you end up dealing with things that you feel are totally unwarranted and undeserved.

Even in a situation where you have to deal with some unexplained hardship, you always have someone to fall back on, right? Maybe it’s your significant other, who just happens to be your wife of 12 years and the mother of your children who you trust more than anyone in the world.
Maybe it’s your trusted and loyal best friend who you have known for 20 years, have shared all of the most intimate details of your life with, have always felt more close to than your own brothers and who’s wife has been a very close personal friend longer than he has?

What would you do if you went to work one morning and everything was right with the world and returned only to find that your wife had moved in with some doctor that she had been working for after you had supported and helped her go back to school in order to gain the certification required to go to work for him? This is the same “significant other” who you have worked your fingers to the bone for in order to build your “dream house” together and make a great life for her and your two children.

What would you do if, despite every effort to try to talk with her and find out what the problem was so that you could work it out, all of your efforts to do so were laughed at and the only civil conversation that you could possibly have concerning the matter was with her attorney when he handed you the divorce papers laced with blatant accusations of physical and mental abuse, even though you know in your heart that you have always treated her like the queen that you were convinced that you thought she was?

What would you do if the only person who you felt that you could turn to, your only true friend in the world turned his back on you, ignored every attempt to talk to him concerning the matter and 12 years later still refuses to have anything to do with you? This is the same person who asked you to be the best man at his wedding in 1976 and you returned the favor and had him stand in yours.

Where do you turn in a situation like this when all of a sudden everything and everyone that you hold dear is taken away from you without even the courtesy of an explanation?

A very high percentage of people will just lie down and give up. Admit defeat, crawl into a bottle and try to cry their way through it, destroying their lives in the process.

I, on the other hand chose to pick myself up, throw myself into my work and make every attempt to become successful so that I could look them all in the eyes later in life and say “I Told You So”.

She made it all the more easy for me by staying with the doctor until she realized that he wasn’t going to marry her, then marrying a much younger, very abusive guy who put her in the hospital a couple of times, threatened me and the lives of my children and had the audacity to die in a car accident before I could physically do it myself.

Since then, she tried to better herself by marrying a guy who has obvious chemical dependency problems, has on several occasions forced her out of their home at gunpoint in a drunken stupor and has made several late night, extremely threatening phone calls to me, for whatever reason. I still have a phone tape of him threatening to kill me while I was half asleep at around 2am.

The only real reason that I can deduct for her leaving me was because I couldn’t provide her with the abusive male figure that she obviously needed.

As for the “Best Friends”, after all of these years, I am still confused and wonder why they abandoned me the way that they did. I can only guess that my ex, being the persuasive person that she is, convinced them that I was totally at fault at the time and they have not been able to bring themselves to admit that they were wrong. She has always had this deep seeded desire to have people feel sorry for her and I guess I never really gave her enough fuel for that fire. She certainly gets plenty of sympathy now.

I have learned to be very cautious over the years since all of this happened. I had no intentions of allowing anyone to ever get close to me again, and wouldn’t have ever put myself in that situation of my own accord.

I guess God, Karma or whatever controls the puppet strings saw fit to send someone to a down-and-out soul who needed rescuing. I’m not sure what was used to hypnotize, drug or otherwise convince her that I was the guy for her, but fortunately for me, after our first meeting she was convinced that I was the “Man of Her Dreams”. I was a little reluctant at first, but over the course of the past 12 years have come to the realization that she is my best and only true friend and the only person that I totally trust.

My only wish is that she continues to remain under whatever spell was cast on her until I die and that I am able to look into the eyes of the only person who I truly trust as I take my last breath.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Unfortunately, the unthinkable has happened. The most liberal Senator in Washington has been handed the highest office in the land, and with a democratic house and senate should find very little resistance when moving forward with his agenda.

Although this is a sad day in America, it looks like we have no other choice but to find a way to live with it.

Although I have strongly predicted that everyone would soon come to the realization that they had made a grave error in judgement if this were to happen, I can only hope that he does a decent job and that all of the unsuspecting American citizens who worked so hard to get him elected are not disapointed.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

What is Racism

God forbid if John McCain were to throw a couple of journalists off of his plane because they disagreed with him and then allow a representative from an all white magazine or Television station to take their places.

(Oh yea, there aren't any such things as all white magazines or TV stations).

Everyone knows that Obama would never do such a thing......(Oh yea, he did it just the other day)

Go figure..........

Racism is ok for some, but for others, it's politically incorrect, or just downright un-american.

Those people who constantly scream racism would be much better served to just stop practicing it.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008



It seems that one of the major sticking points of the current hotly contested presidential race is over alternative sources of fuel. Believe me, I’m not the most well informed person on the planet when it comes to politics. As a matter of fact, most political junkies would surely best me in an open argument over the current state of the economy.

I’m sure you’re saying to yourself, “What is this guy doing making statements about political issues if he’s obviously not confident in himself?” If you think about it, you would come to several possible conclusions, one of which would be that I am just an arrogant blow-hard, who, like a lot of people talk loudly and often so that I stand out in the crowd. The less obvious conclusion would be that I may have some semblance of intelligence and like to disarm the people around me with humble statements like the one at the end of the first paragraph, in which case, most people take humility as a weakness and lower their guard; thereby giving me a slight advantage.

Most people who know me well would immediately draw the second conclusion, since I rarely overpower people in conversation due to my quiet demeanor and lack of a boisterous nature.

What a concept! Hey, I’m a big fan of the idea; although, I doubt that we will see anyone make any serious advances in this area. Sure, politicians will talk about it like it is the “be all to end all”, but you are going to have a hard time convincing me that the big money investors are going to put their hard earned investment capitol into any of these projects when oil and gas is such a proven commodity.

How many times in the colorful history of this country have we heard stories of some inventor coming up with a vehicle that gets ungodly gas mileage or maybe even derives it’s power from some source other than gasoline, only to quietly fade away into the background never to be heard of again. Whether he was paid off or totally eliminated is not the real issue here. Folklore says that someone, or some entity caused the project to be squashed, shelved or destroyed because it was a threat to more conventional sources of fuel, ie, the oil and gas industry or the big gears in the government machine that work hand in had with the oil and gas industry.

Hey, I should be the last person to complain about oil and gas, since it has provide me with some pretty good opportunities over the past 30 years. I seriously doubt that anyone is going to pay me a high 6-figure salary to sell parts for windmills, but that doesn’t change the fact that our oil and gas reserves are dwindling away. We probably won’t suffer any dramatic repercussions from this in my lifetime, but I have children and grandchildren who will have to deal with this situation as some point.

The way that I see it, we as a nation are going to have to break the stranglehold on our government by large corporations in order to allow for the advancement of other opportunities regardless of how they affect the bottom line of some multi-billion dollar entity. We definitely need to continue an aggressive work-over program, continuing to get every ounce of production out of all existing wells, all the while continuing to push forward with a very aggressive drilling program. There are many high yielding reserves on land as well as in the deep-water areas of the Gulf of Mexico. The immediate alternative is continued and increasing dependence on foreign oil. The last thing that we need is to give strength to any Arab countries or their leaders.

As far as this being a political issue, I will leave that to the 2 guys who are trying so hard to convince you that they have all of the answers. When it comes down to it, both of them know that this is an issue that needs attention and both will eventually do what thy can about it due to the inevitable increasing pressure of an ever-more intelligent public.

The question is, which one of these guys do you really want to be your representative in the white house?

It’s simple really. I judge people on very simple criteria, Honesty and Integrity. Everything else falls into place. Sure there are snake oil salesmen out there who can sell ice cream to Eskimos and those are the guys that you have to watch out for. A snake oil salesman will paint a pretty picture, but won’t open himself up to scrutiny; therefore, upon closer inspection you always find that they don’t have a very good track record and when their references are checked, you usually find that the people who vouch for them are also of questionable character.

Personally, my choice was very simple. I simply asked myself, “Would you rather have a President who would take a bullet for this country and spent every day for five years proving it, or would you rather put someone in charge who turns his back on the flag during the National Anthem.

Matthew 7:16 By their works ye shall know them

Saturday, August 30, 2008


I used to think that New Orleans had the worst driver in the United States. I had driven all over the east coast in cities like Charlotte, North Carolina and Atlanta Georgia and still couldn’t comfortably compare them to New Orleans. People in New Orleans were unbelievably aggressive. They would pull right out in front of you and dare you to run into them. People would scream and holler at you from behind the safety of their car windows, flipping you the bird and all kind of crazy antics for something as simple as not moving over and letting them get around you. You had to constantly be on guard for some idiot who might have had a fight with his wife that morning and is looking for someone to pick a fight with. You never knew when some big redneck was going to jump out of his car and run right up to your window screaming at you and trying to get you out of your car. Some people don’t seem to have any problem resorting to violence these days. You see evidence of it all of the time if you just pay attention to the evening news.

I guess road rage is a product of the fast paced life that we find ourselves wrapped up in as we go through our everyday existence. Everyone seems to be in an incredible hurry to get to wherever they are going. It’s easy to get caught up in this type of behavior if you aren’t constantly on guard. I have to fight the urge to get upset constantly while driving around the city at all hours of the day in the process of doing the things that my company sees fit to pay me a very handsome salary for.

I moved to Houston a couple of years ago and quickly came to realize that New Orleans is not necessarily the league leader for road rage and aggressive driving. Houston is full of the most aggressive drivers that I have ever witnessed in my entire 50 years on the face of this planet. You have to be somewhat aggressive yourself in order to keep from getting completely run off of the road around here. There are supposedly around 6 million people living in and around Houston, which makes it either the 3rd or 4th largest city in the United States. One of the major differences that I can see between here and New Orleans is people’s reluctance to get out of their vehicles around here. I can only attribute this behavior to the fact that Texans seem to have an affinity for firearms and their right to use them. There have been several instances where people have walked away scott free after blowing someone away claiming that they were trying to “car-jack” them, or take their vehicle by force. Aside from that, people are constantly cutting you off in traffic and most seem to have developed a love affair with their horn (which I have a real problem with).

I also ride a motorcycle, which brings up an entirely different set of problems. Texas is one of the few states that still allows bikers to ride without a helmet, which I understand to a point. There are pro’s and con’s when it comes to the many discussions about motorcycle safety and wearing a helmet. Suffice it to say that I am one of the people who likes to ride without one and do so as often as I can. They claim that if you have a direct impact to the head at more than 30 miles per hour, the helmet won’t save you and you definitely are more aware of your surroundings when you are not wearing one.

This brings me to the incident that happened to me today that sparked this little tirade. I was riding on a beltline street that encircles one of the more popular shopping malls west of Houston going about 30 miles per hour when an older couple on a Ford Expedition pulled out of a side street coming right through a stop sign in front of me. I grabbed both the front and back brakes locking up both the front and rear wheels which caused me to go into a slide. I had no other choice but to lay the bike down on it’s left side and it immediately flipped back over onto the right side throwing me right up next to the side of the offending party’s vehicle.

The bike only had a few dings because it was for the most part protected by the engine guard that comes on the front of the frame of most Harley Davidson cruisers. I think the guard is scraped and bent a little on the right side, but otherwise seems to be intact. I, on the other hand have a sore knee and a sore back, which I can assure you will be quite worse by tomorrow.

The problem is that most people will stop at a red light or stop sign, turn and look right at you and pull out like they don’t even see you. Most of the time you as a rider can read the road ahead and anticipate when someone is likely to do something like that, but there are times when you simply can’t do anything about it. Fortunately for me, I didn’t land on my head…..this time, and no, I wasn’t wearing a helmet.

Being a motorcycle enthusiast and living in the Houston area, (believe me, there are many) you tend to try to stay outside of the beltway and in the suburban or further out in the country areas, mainly because of the dense concentration of traffic as you get closer to Houston proper. This is a common rule-of-thumb for most of the guys that I ride with.

I belong to an industry specific motorcycle club in the Houston area. We have regular meetings and a fairly large membership. The club usually breaks up into smaller groups as certain members develop friendships among themselves. We have a core group of 6 to 8 members who ride together fairly often and usually stay well west of town where the traffic is light and the roads are curvy and more fun to ride on. As far as I can remember, there were only a few close calls, but no one has actually had to lay their bike down or has had anything that you could categorize as an “accident”. This was only the second time in my life that I have ever laid a motorcycle down to avoid a serious accident and fortunately, both times I was traveling at a manageable speed. I have owned more than a few bikes over the years and consider myself a very good rider.

No one is immune to something out of the ordinary happening to them. You can do everything right and still have something bad happen to you. If I could suggest something to young and inexperienced riders it would be to get some motorcycle rider training before you put yourselves at the mercy of those aggressive drivers out there and never take anything for granted, because just when you think that everything is going right, something could jump up and bite you in the ass.

And maybe we should think about wearing a helmet…………………
Naaahhhh.. Not me.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


Loyalty is a virtue that people admire. Everyone looks at guys like Carl Yazstremsik, Brett Farve and Archie Manning with admiration thinking, These guys are among the greatest representatives of their chose professions and could have gone on to other organizations to make considerably more money, but they were loyal to their fans and their respective teams. We admire that in a person, don’t we? I know I do.

As much as we would like to think that such loyalty is rewarded, unfortunately, in this day and time, it rarely ever is. The days of working for “Greyhound” for 30 years and getting awards up to and including a handsome retirement package with a pension for the rest of your life have pretty much gone by the wayside. The best that you can hope for in these modern times is a company that will match some of the money that you put into their 401K program, unless you are one of the fortunate people who is able to leverage your way into a top level management position with an iron clad golden parachute contract.

Unfortunately most companies have their eyes firmly fixed on the “bottom line”, and regardless of how loyal you have been or how hard you have worked for the company, if cutbacks are necessary and you are expendable in their eyes, there is a good chance that you could unceremoniously get kicked in the ass on your way out the door.

One of my most vivid memories was in a 1972 news conference watching Archie Manning openly weeping after being informed that his beloved New Orleans Saints had traded him in mid season to the Houston Oilers after eleven years of breaking his back trying to make a winner out of a club that obviously had no intentions of trying to build one. Archie played a few more years before obscurely retiring in the 1984 season with the Minnesota Vikings.

The point is that Archie, who was probably the most gifted quarterback of his time, if not all time and would have been content to finish out his career with a worthless, piece of crap team because he was LOYAL.

I’ve seen many instances where a team or company fired or traded away someone who was very loyal only to find that they had made a mistake when that person landed on his feet somewhere else and made it his life’s mission to “stick it” up the offending party’s ass. This is the risk that companies take when they let personal feelings and emotions cause them to make decisions where a little level-headed logic and compassion might have helped them to make a better decision.

Unfortunately for Archie, the Saints waited until he was beat to hell from all of the abuse that he had to endure playing behind a weak offensive line, past his prime and was unable to come back and bite them in the ass before they made their move. I can tell you that many fans, including myself were very upset at the Saints organization for doing what they did to Archie and some still hold a grudge to this day.

On a better note, recent events will attest to the fact that Archie had the last laugh when he was able to dip into the family gene pool and sire two of the greatest quarterbacks of all time to come back and embarrass the Saints organization as often as possible. Both have gone on to lead their respective teams to NFL Superbowl wins.

I can envision Archie sitting in his recliner watching each of his sons play in his media room with his oversized high definition flat screen television set on split-screen, smoking a big Cuban cigar and sipping on an expensive single-malt scotch, all alone, being the unassuming person that he is with a content, satisfied grin on his face.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


It's all an illusion... A smokescreen... It has taken me 50 years to come to the conclusion that none of this really means much of anything.
This entire thing that we call "life" is nothing but a struggle to get from one day to the next. Some of us are motivated to try to excel at one thing or another, while others seem to be content with a lifetime of mediocrity.
The funny thing is that regardless of how hard you try, there are always hardships and disapointments. Some are able to rise above them, while others tend to let them beat them down and cause them to lose their will to win.
The old saying, "Whatever doesn't kill you can only make you stronger" only applies to some, while others seem to just lay down and become one of the people that we pass on the street and look at with distain.
I'm not at all tying to blow my own horn here; however, I feel that if anyone has a reason to fall by the wayside and become a card carying member of the "Slacker" community, it should be me. For some reason, every time that I get knocked down a notch on the ladder of life, I tend to take it as a personal challenge to make the offending party pay for the knock. For the most part, i have been successfull in those endeavors. It does give you a certain feeling of accomplishment or sattisfaction to look the offending party in the eyes after you have proven that they made a mistake by trying to take advantage of you.
For some reason, I tend to try to be one of the "nice guys" and, I am assuming that it is based on something in my childhood upbringing (Although I can't imagine where it comes from), I always try to live by the old "Golden Rule" and treat others the way that I would like to be treated in a simular position.
Trust me, this isn't always the propper behavior, especially in a professional or work environment. It is human nature and very instinctual for a lot of people to take kindness as a weakness. Most people are looking for an opportunity to better their station in life and usually don't have a problem with taking advantage of someone else in order to make that happen. Who better to take advantage of than the guy who always has a smile on his face, is very well mannered and is always considerate of others?
After having to rebuild my life several times after one personal tragedy after another, I have come to the realization that I am a 50 year old man who has very few real friends, even though I have always been loyal to those who have been loyal to me. I have also realized that I will be working until I die because I have so many mouths to feed and so many people who depend on me.
As I reflect on my life up to this point, I realize that each negative thing that I have had to deal with has made me stronger, or at least more savy and aware of what is going on around me. I'm happy with my life. I can't say that I wouldn't like to have been more succesfull, even though I make a great living and my family lives very comfortably. I haven't always done the things and worked in a field that has made me extremely happy or made me anxious to get out of bed in the morning, but I have evolved in my business life to a point where I am reasonably succesfull and don't have to physically work hard to feed my family.
Sure I would love to be totally financially independent and never have to wory about how I am going to feed my family tomorrow, next week or even next year, but what is the challenge in that?


Do you enjoy what you do for a living? Statistically speaking, you probably don’t. An extremely high percentage of people have resigned themselves to a career of doing something that doesn’t make them happy, but affords them a comfortable existence, or at least puts food on the table.

Most of us, while in the process of becoming adults have dreams of becoming something spectacular, maybe a baseball player, a rock star or, something more conservative, possibly a doctor or a lawyer; however, most are not afforded the opportunity to dedicate the time required to rise to the top of the food chain in these particular fields of endeavor. We may have come from poor, unsuccessful or uneducated families who could not afford to provide us with the higher education required to give us the exposure to elite sports or the academics required to become a doctor or a lawyer.

Regardless of what a person does for a living, there is no reason not to aspire to something better. You are never too old to try to improve yourself and make your life better. There are many instances where people have gone back to school and acquired college degrees at advanced and sometimes even very advanced ages.

I grew up in a town that by all appearances looks like a small, clean, conservative town full of happy middle-class people who are all happy being mildly successful in their stress fee, slow paced country existence; however, appearances can be deceiving. Upon further examination, and armed with the knowledge of the inner workings of the community and an personal relationship with many of it’s long-term residents, it becomes readily evident that there are deep seeded issues that can only be attributed to al lack of family values, a complete absence of motivation for ones self or their children, or the prevalence of the drug culture among the current generation.

Don’t get me wrong, there were drugs in my day also. Maybe not the designer drugs that are available today, but most of the kids that I went to high school with at least experimented, however briefly, with marijuana. There were your usual number of alcoholics and even a few “town drunks” who you could always depend on to stir up their own brand of trouble in the community. What we didn’t have were the crack smoking, crystal methamphetamine using, heroin banging knuckleheads who would steal their grandmother’s last twenty dollar bill just to get high type of people. If you are too naïve to believe that this type of person exists, go home and set up you TEVOE to record a couple of episodes of “Intervention”. After you have seen a couple of these, you eyes should open up to some of the problems that most of rural America is facing, not to mention some of the more grossly overpopulated areas of the country.

Every time that I make a trip back home, I stand in amazement at the number of people who I have known for most of my life who have no motivation to make anything out of themselves. They work irregularly at mundane construction jobs, seemingly just to earn enough of a paycheck to go out and drink or get high all weekend, then on Monday morning they grudgingly start the process all over again. Most of these guys are intelligent enough to make improvements in their lives, but seem to have no motivation to do so.

I am the father of 6 children, all of who have spent at least a portion of their lives in that community. I have been blessed with 6 very intelligent children who have the ability to be successful in any field of endeavor that they may choose; however, I constantly worry about their willingness to do so based on the influence of all of the people around them, including the people that they consider their friends.

I have always struggled, even with my limited education to improve my life by hard work, self education and a constant effort to improve my skills as a person for no other reason than to give my family the opportunity to see how the other half lives and to motivate them to strive to make a better life for themselves. One of my main priorities was to move my family out of the poison environment that is the town where I grew up; although, no matter how far I move them away, the place seems to magnetically draw them back toward it with an ever increasing pull. It seems that all I can do is to continuously try to convince them of the things that are best for them and hopefully, time permitting, they will come to the realization that “old dad” knew what he was talking about after all, and hopefully this will happen before it is too late and something happens that cannot be fixed.

Do I enjoy what I do for a living? For the most part, yes, I do; although it hasn’t come without a price. I didn’t start out being able to make a great living without having to physically work and sweat exposed to the wrath of mother nature. I spent many years working impossible hours, spending weeks and sometimes months away from my family, all the while taking whatever punishment that nature could hand out, whether it be freezing in the winter without any way of getting in out of it or standing out in the searing heat with no shelter to keep the blazing sun off of you, all the while knowing that regardless of the amount of freezing rain that was being dumped on you, you knew that you had to stay there and get the work done or the oil company that you were out there working for would have you replaced in a heartbeat with someone who would.

Most people would grudgingly continue to do this type of work for their entire lives, and don’t get me wrong, it paid very well. I spent the time reading an average of 3 to 4 books per week while others would waste their spare time watching TV, which was one of the few things that you could do on an offshore platform when you weren’t working other than eat and sleep. I concentrated on Non-Fiction, Biography and Autobiography, as well as an occasional “self-help” or educational book, all the while with the thought in the back of my head that the only way that I would be able to advance in my field was through education and self improvement. I knew that I would not be able to have the advantages of formal higher education and would probably never possess a college degree. Hell, I am the guy who will never be able to retire because I have too many mouths to feed.

I am a firm believer that a formal education is not always a good gage of intelligence. I once knew a self made millionaire who grew up as one of 12 children to a cotton farmer who would rather use his kids for farm hands than give them the advantage of even the most basic education. This man had more common sense than most and was very intelligent in his own right, but he had to rely on others who he trusted for even the smallest details of running his company. He had built his company through his reputation for hard work and integrity and grew to be one of the most respected members of his community.

Education makes life easier for people. It opens doors that would otherwise remain firmly closed. I think that everyone should aspire to attaining a college degree, and if that is not a possibility for you, for whatever reason, there is no more noble legacy that a man can leave than the fact that he did everything in his power to see that his children were considerate of others, honest, educated and successful.