Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Unfortunately, the unthinkable has happened. The most liberal Senator in Washington has been handed the highest office in the land, and with a democratic house and senate should find very little resistance when moving forward with his agenda.

Although this is a sad day in America, it looks like we have no other choice but to find a way to live with it.

Although I have strongly predicted that everyone would soon come to the realization that they had made a grave error in judgement if this were to happen, I can only hope that he does a decent job and that all of the unsuspecting American citizens who worked so hard to get him elected are not disapointed.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

What is Racism

God forbid if John McCain were to throw a couple of journalists off of his plane because they disagreed with him and then allow a representative from an all white magazine or Television station to take their places.

(Oh yea, there aren't any such things as all white magazines or TV stations).

Everyone knows that Obama would never do such a thing......(Oh yea, he did it just the other day)

Go figure..........

Racism is ok for some, but for others, it's politically incorrect, or just downright un-american.

Those people who constantly scream racism would be much better served to just stop practicing it.