It seems that one of the major sticking points of the current hotly contested presidential race is over alternative sources of fuel. Believe me, I’m not the most well informed person on the planet when it comes to politics. As a matter of fact, most political junkies would surely best me in an open argument over the current state of the economy.
I’m sure you’re saying to yourself, “What is this guy doing making statements about political issues if he’s obviously not confident in himself?” If you think about it, you would come to several possible conclusions, one of which would be that I am just an arrogant blow-hard, who, like a lot of people talk loudly and often so that I stand out in the crowd. The less obvious conclusion would be that I may have some semblance of intelligence and like to disarm the people around me with humble statements like the one at the end of the first paragraph, in which case, most people take humility as a weakness and lower their guard; thereby giving me a slight advantage.
Most people who know me well would immediately draw the second conclusion, since I rarely overpower people in conversation due to my quiet demeanor and lack of a boisterous nature.
What a concept! Hey, I’m a big fan of the idea; although, I doubt that we will see anyone make any serious advances in this area. Sure, politicians will talk about it like it is the “be all to end all”, but you are going to have a hard time convincing me that the big money investors are going to put their hard earned investment capitol into any of these projects when oil and gas is such a proven commodity.
How many times in the colorful history of this country have we heard stories of some inventor coming up with a vehicle that gets ungodly gas mileage or maybe even derives it’s power from some source other than gasoline, only to quietly fade away into the background never to be heard of again. Whether he was paid off or totally eliminated is not the real issue here. Folklore says that someone, or some entity caused the project to be squashed, shelved or destroyed because it was a threat to more conventional sources of fuel, ie, the oil and gas industry or the big gears in the government machine that work hand in had with the oil and gas industry.
Hey, I should be the last person to complain about oil and gas, since it has provide me with some pretty good opportunities over the past 30 years. I seriously doubt that anyone is going to pay me a high 6-figure salary to sell parts for windmills, but that doesn’t change the fact that our oil and gas reserves are dwindling away. We probably won’t suffer any dramatic repercussions from this in my lifetime, but I have children and grandchildren who will have to deal with this situation as some point.
The way that I see it, we as a nation are going to have to break the stranglehold on our government by large corporations in order to allow for the advancement of other opportunities regardless of how they affect the bottom line of some multi-billion dollar entity. We definitely need to continue an aggressive work-over program, continuing to get every ounce of production out of all existing wells, all the while continuing to push forward with a very aggressive drilling program. There are many high yielding reserves on land as well as in the deep-water areas of the Gulf of Mexico. The immediate alternative is continued and increasing dependence on foreign oil. The last thing that we need is to give strength to any Arab countries or their leaders.
As far as this being a political issue, I will leave that to the 2 guys who are trying so hard to convince you that they have all of the answers. When it comes down to it, both of them know that this is an issue that needs attention and both will eventually do what thy can about it due to the inevitable increasing pressure of an ever-more intelligent public.
The question is, which one of these guys do you really want to be your representative in the white house?
It’s simple really. I judge people on very simple criteria, Honesty and Integrity. Everything else falls into place. Sure there are snake oil salesmen out there who can sell ice cream to Eskimos and those are the guys that you have to watch out for. A snake oil salesman will paint a pretty picture, but won’t open himself up to scrutiny; therefore, upon closer inspection you always find that they don’t have a very good track record and when their references are checked, you usually find that the people who vouch for them are also of questionable character.
Personally, my choice was very simple. I simply asked myself, “Would you rather have a President who would take a bullet for this country and spent every day for five years proving it, or would you rather put someone in charge who turns his back on the flag during the National Anthem.
Matthew 7:16 By their works ye shall know them
It seems that one of the major sticking points of the current hotly contested presidential race is over alternative sources of fuel. Believe me, I’m not the most well informed person on the planet when it comes to politics. As a matter of fact, most political junkies would surely best me in an open argument over the current state of the economy.
I’m sure you’re saying to yourself, “What is this guy doing making statements about political issues if he’s obviously not confident in himself?” If you think about it, you would come to several possible conclusions, one of which would be that I am just an arrogant blow-hard, who, like a lot of people talk loudly and often so that I stand out in the crowd. The less obvious conclusion would be that I may have some semblance of intelligence and like to disarm the people around me with humble statements like the one at the end of the first paragraph, in which case, most people take humility as a weakness and lower their guard; thereby giving me a slight advantage.
Most people who know me well would immediately draw the second conclusion, since I rarely overpower people in conversation due to my quiet demeanor and lack of a boisterous nature.
What a concept! Hey, I’m a big fan of the idea; although, I doubt that we will see anyone make any serious advances in this area. Sure, politicians will talk about it like it is the “be all to end all”, but you are going to have a hard time convincing me that the big money investors are going to put their hard earned investment capitol into any of these projects when oil and gas is such a proven commodity.
How many times in the colorful history of this country have we heard stories of some inventor coming up with a vehicle that gets ungodly gas mileage or maybe even derives it’s power from some source other than gasoline, only to quietly fade away into the background never to be heard of again. Whether he was paid off or totally eliminated is not the real issue here. Folklore says that someone, or some entity caused the project to be squashed, shelved or destroyed because it was a threat to more conventional sources of fuel, ie, the oil and gas industry or the big gears in the government machine that work hand in had with the oil and gas industry.
Hey, I should be the last person to complain about oil and gas, since it has provide me with some pretty good opportunities over the past 30 years. I seriously doubt that anyone is going to pay me a high 6-figure salary to sell parts for windmills, but that doesn’t change the fact that our oil and gas reserves are dwindling away. We probably won’t suffer any dramatic repercussions from this in my lifetime, but I have children and grandchildren who will have to deal with this situation as some point.
The way that I see it, we as a nation are going to have to break the stranglehold on our government by large corporations in order to allow for the advancement of other opportunities regardless of how they affect the bottom line of some multi-billion dollar entity. We definitely need to continue an aggressive work-over program, continuing to get every ounce of production out of all existing wells, all the while continuing to push forward with a very aggressive drilling program. There are many high yielding reserves on land as well as in the deep-water areas of the Gulf of Mexico. The immediate alternative is continued and increasing dependence on foreign oil. The last thing that we need is to give strength to any Arab countries or their leaders.
As far as this being a political issue, I will leave that to the 2 guys who are trying so hard to convince you that they have all of the answers. When it comes down to it, both of them know that this is an issue that needs attention and both will eventually do what thy can about it due to the inevitable increasing pressure of an ever-more intelligent public.
The question is, which one of these guys do you really want to be your representative in the white house?
It’s simple really. I judge people on very simple criteria, Honesty and Integrity. Everything else falls into place. Sure there are snake oil salesmen out there who can sell ice cream to Eskimos and those are the guys that you have to watch out for. A snake oil salesman will paint a pretty picture, but won’t open himself up to scrutiny; therefore, upon closer inspection you always find that they don’t have a very good track record and when their references are checked, you usually find that the people who vouch for them are also of questionable character.
Personally, my choice was very simple. I simply asked myself, “Would you rather have a President who would take a bullet for this country and spent every day for five years proving it, or would you rather put someone in charge who turns his back on the flag during the National Anthem.
Matthew 7:16 By their works ye shall know them
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