Isn’t it funny how life treats you? Sometimes you go on for years where you seem to be moving right along through life without so much as a blip on the screen. You seem to have great friends, a dedicated family and the respect of your peers and coworkers only to wake up one morning and realize that it was all just a dream.
As with any walk of life, you go through the required hills and valleys. Statistics show that everyone goes through a “slump” once in a while, whether it is in your home environment, the work arena, a sport or hobby that you participate in or any combination of the above. The severity of the slump can vary considerably from one person to another. Some people seem to never have any problems and everything that they do seems to always fall into place, while others invariably have to struggle through every event in their life. The undeniable fact is that even the most fortunate people struggle with problems in their lives.
Everyone has their own way of dealing with hardships in their lives, whether it be with dogged determination to win out over the troublesome problems believing that whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, or taking a more spiritualistic approach by saying that God puts us in these predicaments in order to teach us a lesson or to help us improve on some character flaw that we need help with.
I tend to fit somewhere in the middle of these beliefs. I feel that karma has something to do with these situations. You know, all of the bad things that you have done always come back to haunt you. The more that you mistreat others, the better chance that you will have to deal with some character building challenge later in this life or the next.
All things being equal, you occasionally find yourself in a situation where you feel that you have always treated others with the same respect that you would like to be treated with and still, for some unexplained reason, you end up dealing with things that you feel are totally unwarranted and undeserved.
Even in a situation where you have to deal with some unexplained hardship, you always have someone to fall back on, right? Maybe it’s your significant other, who just happens to be your wife of 12 years and the mother of your children who you trust more than anyone in the world.
Maybe it’s your trusted and loyal best friend who you have known for 20 years, have shared all of the most intimate details of your life with, have always felt more close to than your own brothers and who’s wife has been a very close personal friend longer than he has?
What would you do if you went to work one morning and everything was right with the world and returned only to find that your wife had moved in with some doctor that she had been working for after you had supported and helped her go back to school in order to gain the certification required to go to work for him? This is the same “significant other” who you have worked your fingers to the bone for in order to build your “dream house” together and make a great life for her and your two children.
What would you do if, despite every effort to try to talk with her and find out what the problem was so that you could work it out, all of your efforts to do so were laughed at and the only civil conversation that you could possibly have concerning the matter was with her attorney when he handed you the divorce papers laced with blatant accusations of physical and mental abuse, even though you know in your heart that you have always treated her like the queen that you were convinced that you thought she was?
What would you do if the only person who you felt that you could turn to, your only true friend in the world turned his back on you, ignored every attempt to talk to him concerning the matter and 12 years later still refuses to have anything to do with you? This is the same person who asked you to be the best man at his wedding in 1976 and you returned the favor and had him stand in yours.
Where do you turn in a situation like this when all of a sudden everything and everyone that you hold dear is taken away from you without even the courtesy of an explanation?
A very high percentage of people will just lie down and give up. Admit defeat, crawl into a bottle and try to cry their way through it, destroying their lives in the process.
I, on the other hand chose to pick myself up, throw myself into my work and make every attempt to become successful so that I could look them all in the eyes later in life and say “I Told You So”.
She made it all the more easy for me by staying with the doctor until she realized that he wasn’t going to marry her, then marrying a much younger, very abusive guy who put her in the hospital a couple of times, threatened me and the lives of my children and had the audacity to die in a car accident before I could physically do it myself.
Since then, she tried to better herself by marrying a guy who has obvious chemical dependency problems, has on several occasions forced her out of their home at gunpoint in a drunken stupor and has made several late night, extremely threatening phone calls to me, for whatever reason. I still have a phone tape of him threatening to kill me while I was half asleep at around 2am.
The only real reason that I can deduct for her leaving me was because I couldn’t provide her with the abusive male figure that she obviously needed.
As for the “Best Friends”, after all of these years, I am still confused and wonder why they abandoned me the way that they did. I can only guess that my ex, being the persuasive person that she is, convinced them that I was totally at fault at the time and they have not been able to bring themselves to admit that they were wrong. She has always had this deep seeded desire to have people feel sorry for her and I guess I never really gave her enough fuel for that fire. She certainly gets plenty of sympathy now.
I have learned to be very cautious over the years since all of this happened. I had no intentions of allowing anyone to ever get close to me again, and wouldn’t have ever put myself in that situation of my own accord.
I guess God, Karma or whatever controls the puppet strings saw fit to send someone to a down-and-out soul who needed rescuing. I’m not sure what was used to hypnotize, drug or otherwise convince her that I was the guy for her, but fortunately for me, after our first meeting she was convinced that I was the “Man of Her Dreams”. I was a little reluctant at first, but over the course of the past 12 years have come to the realization that she is my best and only true friend and the only person that I totally trust.
My only wish is that she continues to remain under whatever spell was cast on her until I die and that I am able to look into the eyes of the only person who I truly trust as I take my last breath.
As with any walk of life, you go through the required hills and valleys. Statistics show that everyone goes through a “slump” once in a while, whether it is in your home environment, the work arena, a sport or hobby that you participate in or any combination of the above. The severity of the slump can vary considerably from one person to another. Some people seem to never have any problems and everything that they do seems to always fall into place, while others invariably have to struggle through every event in their life. The undeniable fact is that even the most fortunate people struggle with problems in their lives.
Everyone has their own way of dealing with hardships in their lives, whether it be with dogged determination to win out over the troublesome problems believing that whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger, or taking a more spiritualistic approach by saying that God puts us in these predicaments in order to teach us a lesson or to help us improve on some character flaw that we need help with.
I tend to fit somewhere in the middle of these beliefs. I feel that karma has something to do with these situations. You know, all of the bad things that you have done always come back to haunt you. The more that you mistreat others, the better chance that you will have to deal with some character building challenge later in this life or the next.
All things being equal, you occasionally find yourself in a situation where you feel that you have always treated others with the same respect that you would like to be treated with and still, for some unexplained reason, you end up dealing with things that you feel are totally unwarranted and undeserved.
Even in a situation where you have to deal with some unexplained hardship, you always have someone to fall back on, right? Maybe it’s your significant other, who just happens to be your wife of 12 years and the mother of your children who you trust more than anyone in the world.
Maybe it’s your trusted and loyal best friend who you have known for 20 years, have shared all of the most intimate details of your life with, have always felt more close to than your own brothers and who’s wife has been a very close personal friend longer than he has?
What would you do if you went to work one morning and everything was right with the world and returned only to find that your wife had moved in with some doctor that she had been working for after you had supported and helped her go back to school in order to gain the certification required to go to work for him? This is the same “significant other” who you have worked your fingers to the bone for in order to build your “dream house” together and make a great life for her and your two children.
What would you do if, despite every effort to try to talk with her and find out what the problem was so that you could work it out, all of your efforts to do so were laughed at and the only civil conversation that you could possibly have concerning the matter was with her attorney when he handed you the divorce papers laced with blatant accusations of physical and mental abuse, even though you know in your heart that you have always treated her like the queen that you were convinced that you thought she was?
What would you do if the only person who you felt that you could turn to, your only true friend in the world turned his back on you, ignored every attempt to talk to him concerning the matter and 12 years later still refuses to have anything to do with you? This is the same person who asked you to be the best man at his wedding in 1976 and you returned the favor and had him stand in yours.
Where do you turn in a situation like this when all of a sudden everything and everyone that you hold dear is taken away from you without even the courtesy of an explanation?
A very high percentage of people will just lie down and give up. Admit defeat, crawl into a bottle and try to cry their way through it, destroying their lives in the process.
I, on the other hand chose to pick myself up, throw myself into my work and make every attempt to become successful so that I could look them all in the eyes later in life and say “I Told You So”.
She made it all the more easy for me by staying with the doctor until she realized that he wasn’t going to marry her, then marrying a much younger, very abusive guy who put her in the hospital a couple of times, threatened me and the lives of my children and had the audacity to die in a car accident before I could physically do it myself.
Since then, she tried to better herself by marrying a guy who has obvious chemical dependency problems, has on several occasions forced her out of their home at gunpoint in a drunken stupor and has made several late night, extremely threatening phone calls to me, for whatever reason. I still have a phone tape of him threatening to kill me while I was half asleep at around 2am.
The only real reason that I can deduct for her leaving me was because I couldn’t provide her with the abusive male figure that she obviously needed.
As for the “Best Friends”, after all of these years, I am still confused and wonder why they abandoned me the way that they did. I can only guess that my ex, being the persuasive person that she is, convinced them that I was totally at fault at the time and they have not been able to bring themselves to admit that they were wrong. She has always had this deep seeded desire to have people feel sorry for her and I guess I never really gave her enough fuel for that fire. She certainly gets plenty of sympathy now.
I have learned to be very cautious over the years since all of this happened. I had no intentions of allowing anyone to ever get close to me again, and wouldn’t have ever put myself in that situation of my own accord.
I guess God, Karma or whatever controls the puppet strings saw fit to send someone to a down-and-out soul who needed rescuing. I’m not sure what was used to hypnotize, drug or otherwise convince her that I was the guy for her, but fortunately for me, after our first meeting she was convinced that I was the “Man of Her Dreams”. I was a little reluctant at first, but over the course of the past 12 years have come to the realization that she is my best and only true friend and the only person that I totally trust.
My only wish is that she continues to remain under whatever spell was cast on her until I die and that I am able to look into the eyes of the only person who I truly trust as I take my last breath.
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